Minimalist Routine
Complete 2-6 circuits of the following exercises, completing one set of each exercise comprises one circuit. Take little to no rest.
Each set should be 1-2 repetitions short of failure. If you fail your last rep make a note of it and plan to do 1-2 fewer reps than that in future sets of that exercise. If completing a set felt too easy try adding more reps in future sets or, for push-up and rowing sets, progress to a more difficult variation of the exercise.
Videos for the exercises at the bottom.
Source: r/bodyweightfitness' Minimalist Routine
Round 1
- Lunges
- Push-ups
- Rows / TRX Pull-ups
- Plank Shoulder Taps
- Band pull-aparts
Round 2
- Lunges
- Push-ups
- Rows / TRX Pull-ups
- Plank Shoulder Taps
- Band pull-aparts
Round 3
- Lunges
- Push-ups
- Rows / TRX Pull-ups
- Plank Shoulder Taps
- Band pull-aparts
Round 4
- Lunges
- Push-ups
- Rows / TRX Pull-ups
- Plank Shoulder Taps
- Band pull-aparts
Round 5
- Lunges
- Push-ups
- Rows / TRX Pull-ups
- Plank Shoulder Taps
- Band pull-aparts
Round 6
- Lunges
- Push-ups
- Rows / TRX Pull-ups
- Plank Shoulder Taps
- Band pull-aparts