Notes on using CMake.

Useful Resources

Getting Started

The simplest CMakeLists.txt contains:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2)

# `VERSION` and `LANGUAGES` are optional
project(myProject VERSION 0.0.1 LANGUAGES CXX)
add_executable(example main.cpp)

We can generate build files for the current platform, then build an executable:

mkdir build && cd build  # Out-of-source build
cmake ..                 # Generate build files
cmake --build .          # Run build
./Debug/example.exe      # Run the resulting binary

Installing Dependencies That Use Other Build Systems

This will create build steps at configure time, and download/extract/build/etc. at build time. We then need to declare the dependencies in the right order. This incomplete example shows the gist of it:


    PREFIX boost
    URL_HASH SHA256=8c20440aaba21dd963c0f7149517445f50c62ce4eb689df2b5544cc89e6e621e


Installing Dependencies That Use CMake

We can use CMake to download and install dependencies.

The following setup will clone GitHub repos, and install the libraries using their CMake files during the build step:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)


  GIT_TAG release-1.10.0

  GIT_TAG 6.1.2


# Fix for googletest, otherwise we get LNK2038 errors on Windows
set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)

# Clone repos and install libraries
FetchContent_MakeAvailable(googletest fmt benchmark)


Running Tests

In the root CMakeLists.txt:


# This directory contains its own CMakeLists.txt

Using the following example test:

#include "gtest/gtest.h"

TEST(Example, TestNothing) {
    EXPECT_EQ(1, 1);

We have a CMakeLists.txt in test_directory to builds the test(s):

add_executable(myTests test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(myTests gtest_main)

Build, then run using CTest:

cmake ..         # Generate build files
cmake --build .  # Build test executable
ctest            # Run tests

With the following example output:

PS C:\Users\damien\project\build> ctest
Test project C:\Users\damien\project\build
    Start 1: Example.TestNothing
1/1 Test #1: Example.TestNothing .......   Passed    0.01 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1

Total Test time (real) =   0.03 sec

! Caveat: After installing dependencies using FetchContent_Declare, CTest also picks up their tests.

I have found 2 workarounds so far:

  • filter tests using ctest -R <MyTests> (run only tests with names containing <MyTests>)
  • when possible, set options to not build tests before the call to FetchContent_MakeAvailable, for example set(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_TESTING OFF)

Build type

  • Release
  • Debug
  • RelWithDebInfo
  • MinSizeRel

On some platforms, we can set the build type from the configuration generation phase:

cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release ../source
cmake --build .

On other platforms eg. Windows, it has to be done at the build phase:

cmake ../source
cmake --build . --config Release

Project Structure

I like to use what seems to be called a “Superbuild” in CMake parlance:

Where dependencies do not use CMake as their build system, a superbuild tends to be the preferred structure. This treats each dependency as its own separate build, with the main project directing the overall sequence and the way details are passed from one dependency’s build to another. Each separate build is added to the main build using ExternalProject. Such an arrangement allows CMake to look at what each build produces and automatically detect information that can then be passed on to other dependencies, thereby avoiding having to manually hard code that information in the main build.

- Professional CMake 5th Edition

When necessary we can use ExternalProject, and when we can there is the simpler FetchContent to install dependencies. Most projects already provide knobs to tweak builds, tests, and make it convenient to integrate their projects into ours.

| ExternalProjects |                 |
+------------------+                 |
|                                    +------+
|     Boost                          |      |
|                                    |      |
+------------------------------------+      |
+--------------+---------------------+      |
| FetchContent |                     |      |
+--------------+      fmt            |      |
|                                    <------+
|    googletest                      |
|               google/benchmark     |
|       re2                          +------+
|            nlohmann/json           |      |
|                                    |      |
+------------------------------------+      |
+---------------+--------------------+      |
| Local Project |                    |      |
+---------------+                    |      |
|                                    <------+
|     main.cpp     main.hpp          |
|                                    |

Custom Targets

As part of our workflow, we may need to call external commands or binaries. For example, if we build a benchmark suite:

add_executable(order_book_bench bench.cpp)

target_link_libraries(order_book_bench PRIVATE benchmark::benchmark order_book)

add_custom_target(runbench COMMAND order_book_bench)

We can then call the target as follows:

cd build && cmake --build . --target runbench